Honeymoon in Paris

36 hours in Paris for honeymoon

I’m so excited to start sharing highlights of our honeymoon, starting with the details of our honeymoon in Paris! Paris kicked off 2 weeks in Europe – click here to see our entire itinerary.

Days spent on our honeymoon in Paris: 2
Where we stayed: Agora Saint Germain

Eiffel Tower

 Eiffel Tower in Parisplaces to kiss sign at Eiffel TowerEiffel Tower views

Is there anything more perfect than getting married to your favorite person one day and then landing in Paris the next? Nope! After checking into our hotel (and taking a much-needed nap) we made a beeline for the Eiffel Tower. There’s nothing quite like seeing something so iconic in person for the first time.

We took the stairs to the halfway point and then the elevators to the top. We visited on a Monday in early afternoon after the top had just been opened due to some wind, so there was no line. If you don’t want to wait in line and are ok with climbing a few hundred stairs, this is the way to go! Bonus: You get to say you actually climbed the Eiffel.

Notre Dame

Notre Dame buildingcoffee in ParisNotre Dame

The next day of our honeymoon in Paris was spent seeing the sites of the city, starting with some coffee and Notre Dame. After walking around the grounds, we waited in the long, but surprisingly fast moving line that was coming from the front of the cathedral. Inside, we led ourselves through a self-guided tour and learned so much just from the signs (in English!). If you’re big history buffs like us, but don’t want to pay extra to do a tour, this is the way to go.

Arch de Triumph

Eiffel Tower from top of Arch de TriumphArch de Triumph Arch de Triumph views

Apparently the view FROM the Eiffel Tower wasn’t enough, because we also had to get an amazing view OF the Eiffel Tower, so the Arch de Triumph was next on the list. After a walk down the beautiful but busy Champs Elysees, take the underground tunnel from the Wagram exit of the metro to access the Arch. Don’t be one of those people to dodge the insane traffic of the roundabout!


Ladurée treatseating macarons at LaduréeLadurée macarons to-go

How can a girl go to Paris without eating macarons? While on Champs Elysees, we took an afternoon break with wine and pastries in the restaurant and ordered macarons to go. There are a few options when you enter Laduree: Seating at the bar, in the restaurant, or the to-go counter. We visited in the early afternoon and found the longest line to be for the to-go counter. If you eat in the restaurant like us and want to take treats to-go, order them with your waiter to skip the to-go line!

Tuileries Garden

Tuileries Garden ferris wheelbaguette in Tuileries Gardenwalking through Tuileries Garden

My favorite memory of Paris will be our time in the Tuileries Garden. After being on our feet the last few days, we spent the afternoon eating macarons, munching on a baguette, people-watching, and saying “I can’t believe we’re in Paris” about 100 times.

Related Post: France & Italy honeymoon itinerary
