Only have 2 days in Amsterdam? This is the post for you! Amsterdam was the first stop on our trip to Europe at the end of August. We spent two full days exploring the city, so here’s a round up of our favorite things to do!

Take a canal tour

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam 2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

You can’t go to Amsterdam without hopping on a canal tour, and I would recommend a tour through Pure Boats allll day! This was the first thing we did after a long series of flights to Amsterdam from Minneapolis and was the best possible way to start our trip! The boat is small and comfortably fits up to ten passengers (SO much better than the big boats that pack in the tourists!) but we only had six. Tickets are 55 Euro per person for a 2 hour tour. Our tour guide was originally from Amsterdam and shared so much history and insider knowledge about the city, including other local spots we should visit. And the best part…we sipped on local beer and wine and had plenty of snacks!

Get some fries at Mannekenpis

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

Fries are all over Amsterdam, but stop by Mannekenpis to get the best of the best. The fries are fresh and you can choose your size and dipping sauces. The dutch love their mayo, so we had to try some of that (not sure I’ll ever get the popularity of mayo here…) but also got some curry. Located in the Red Light District, there’s LOTS of people and usually a really long line, but it goes fast and is so worth it!

See the city via bike

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam 2 days in Amsterdam

Biking is a way of life in Amsterdam. We decided to rent bikes for a day to see as much of the city as possible. We were told to avoid certain bike rental companies from our canal tour guide, so we decided to go with A Bike rental, and they were fantastic! Our bikes were about $15 for 7 hours and navigating the busy streets of Amsterdam was definitely a highlight of our trip!

Have a drink at a windmill brewery

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam 2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

Is there anything more dutch than biking to a windmill and then having a beer inside?? I think not. Brouwerij’t IJ was was our favorite brewery in Amsterdam. The beer was great and the atmosphere was even better. If you want a good spot, get there right when they open – it fills up quick!

See the city via foot

2 days in Amsterdam 2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is such a walkable city and every street you turn down is cuter than the last! If we weren’t biking, we walked from place to place. I loved strolling the canals and looking at all the houses and buildings. Cole and I always pick out which house we would live in if we lived there…in our minds we have houses in every place we’ve travelled!

Eat your way through Foodhallen

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam 2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

It rained off and on our entire time in Amsterdam, so when we couldn’t stand the rain anymore, we made our way to Foodhallen aka the most amazing food hall you’ll ever go to. We spent the afternoon here trying all kinds of different foods that are local to the area and from around the world! The one thing you can’t miss is a gin and tonic – it will be the best you’ve ever had! Another bonus – very few tourists!

Visit the Anne Frank House

2 days in Amsterdam

Visiting the Anne Frank House was one of the most surreal experiences I’ve ever had. I read the Anne Frank diary years ago but being in the actual building where she hid with her family for years was an experience I’ll never forget. The operation to get into the building is pretty smooth, but if you want to go it is a MUST to get tickets (10 Euro per person) in advance. I would recommend booking a month in advance at the latest! If tickets are sold out, they save a small amount that go on sale online the day-of, so set your alarm!

Swing above the city

2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam 2 days in Amsterdam

2 days in Amsterdam

I always love seeing a city from above, so we took the free ferry to the A’DAM lookout. The rooftop of the building is a fun place to take in the views complete with lookout spots, places to sit, and a bar! BUT the coolest part is the giant swing! We bought tickets (17 Euro for lookout and swing) online a few hours in advance. It’s an adrenaline rush for sure!

In my opinion, 2 days in Amsterdam was a good amount of time to see the highlights of the city, but we will be back again for more!
